Practice Sports Improve Mood
Doing a sports practice not only improves physical conditions and endurance. Besides helping to lose weight, exercise allows a healthier life at the mental level and greater security. It also increases defenses, providing protection against viruses and bacteria.
Psychological Benefits of Sports
Endorphins belong to a group of peptide hormones that are produced in the brain at the level of the pituitary gland, which have characteristics similar to opioid drugs, with analgesic and pleasurable properties, that is, when they are released, the pain threshold increases. your body and makes you feel better emotionally.
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There are several actions that you can do to release endorphins and improve your mood, such as performing any type of physical activity, either high or low intensity, as there is a feeling of well-being and immediate relaxation.
How does sport affect the mood?
According to the Department of Health and Human Services of the USA (1996), the amount of physical activity-sport has more influence on the state of health than the intensity of it.
For example, the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) (1999) recommends that you practice physical exercise with a "frequency" between 3-5 days per week to achieve significant improvements in anxiety disorders, with a "duration" between 20- 60 minutes per session, or enough to cause an energy expenditure between 200 and 300 kilocalories and the "intensity", should be adapted to the physical shape of each person, although a healthy exercise would be one that is between 50% and 85% of the maximum oxygen consumption.
Practical tips and goals
Make the decision and write down: The first step is the most important. It is advisable not to hesitate or to look for excuses. Signing up at a gym or special classes helps meet schedules and socialize with other people.
Choosing the sport well: Finding an activity that pleases and is pleasant helps both the enjoyment and commitment of its continuity.
Establish easy goals: It is not necessary that the initial changes are radical or of great magnitude. You can start at home, doing small routines, going for a run or simply walking to the supermarket or to work.
Listen to music: Music is the best companion for activities. It is stimulating, motivating and helps clear the mind.
Get company: Whether the couple, a family member or a stranger, sharing the sport helps to commit and also allows the exchange of sensations and ideas.
Adapting the general routine: In addition to sport, it is advisable to modify the food that accompanies it and the mood during the rest of the day. Motivating and feeding correctly will complete the work of the exercise producing benefits in health and mood.
Arruza, J. A.; Arribas, S. ; Gil De Montes, L. ; Irazusta, S. ; Romero, S. y Cecchini, J.A. (2008). Repercusiones de la duración de la Actividad Físico-deportiva sobre el bienestar psicológico. Revista Internacional de Medicina y Ciencias de la Actividad Física y el Deporte vol. 8 (30) pp. 171-183
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